Did you know that Ponto is available to work on real life projects? Here are a few opportunities that I got to work on and bring Ponto’s magic into the world.

If your organization or business would like to work with us on a particular project, we are interested!
Ponto also accepts invitations to cover events and review businesses on social media. If you have any projects or collaboration ideas, please contact me.

Client: Arrondissement du Sud-Ouest de Montréal

Renovation of Notre-Dame street West project. For this campaign, I was hired by the city of Montreal to create a variety of Ponto visuals to inform residents and to add a playful touch to the construction site. I had to design comics, advertisements, newsletters, banners, signalization, installations, promotional products and more!
More detail about the project ladame.org (In French only).

This project won a  “Silver Feather”  in the “Campaign” category during the 2017 Quebec Municipal Communicator’s Association‘s colloquium.

Public pianos and installations:

Construction site visuals and communications


New Mister Turcot

Client:KPH Turcot

Special illustration commissioned by the consortium in charge of building the new Turcot Interchange. This is a limited print illustration that was offered to employees leaving for retirement.



Client:BIXI Montréal

My Ponto bike design was selected as one of the winners of the 375BIXI contest organized to celebrate Montreal’s 375th anniversary. It was probably one of the most popular bikes and people who got to ride it were very happy to take it around Montréal!


Storefront on Saint-Denis street

Client:Montréal Comic Arts Festival

Collective exhibit were Montreal comic artists had to decorate a vacant commercial storefront. The theme was red so my concept is Ponto shopping for new red stripes!